Friday, January 13, 2023

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Is Pantsing Someone Assault - Same-sex bullying is a precursor to sexual harassment among American school children, according to a new study by school psychologist Dorothy Espelage, who conducted the study at the University of Illinois College of Education. The paper's co-authors were Jun Sung Hong, professor of social work at Wayne State University; And the I.U. Former students Sarah Rinehart and Namrata Doshi. Credit: Photo by L. Brian Stauffer

The recent suicide of Brandi Vela, a teenager in Texas, was a reminder of the sometimes tragic consequences of bullying. According to Vela's parents, the teenager took her own life after months of bullying and sexual harassment on November 29, partly through text messages and social media.

Is Pantsing Someone Assault

Is Pantsing Someone Assault

Sexual harassment is a type of victimization that most anti-bullying programs ignore and that teachers and school officials often fail to recognize, said Dorothy L. Espelage, an expert in bullying and youth violence.

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Espelage recently conducted a five-year study that examined the relationship between bullying and sexual harassment among Illinois school children. About half of college students surveyed for the study — 43% — said they had experienced verbal sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, jokes or gestures, in the past year.

The study followed 1,300 Illinois youth from middle school through high school and examined the risks associated with bullying and sexual harassment and the characteristics of perpetrators. The survey was completed by students from four middle schools, and some of the young people and their teachers were interviewed by the researchers.

Espelage, who conducted the study while a professor at the University of Illinois, is a professor of psychology at the University of Florida.

Although verbal harassment was more common than verbal sexual harassment or sexual assault, 21% of students reported being sexually touched, groped, or pinched, and 18% reported being groped by a peer.

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Students have said they were forced to kiss the attackers, touch their private parts against their consent and were "gasped" - having their pants or shorts pulled down in public by another person.

About 14% of students in the study said they had been the target of sexist rumors and 9% had been victims of gender-neutral graffiti in school locker rooms or bathrooms.

Gay slurs appear among fifth- and sixth-grade bullies to assert their power over other students, Espelage said. The targets of homophobic insults and jokes, young people are forced to prove to their heterosexual peers that they are not gay or lesbian through sexual harassment.

Is Pantsing Someone Assault

About 16% of college students who took part in the study said they had been attacked by gay names or jokes, and about 5% of young people said they were frequently harassed.

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In the survey, young people were asked open-ended questions about their experiences of sexual harassment. 14% of students who said they had been bullied described the experience as "not really sexual harassment" because the incidents were "insignificant" or meant a joke.

"What is surprising and disturbing is that these young people deny these experiences, even though they describe them as very upsetting," Espelage said. "Students fail to recognize the seriousness of these behaviors, in part because teachers and school officials fail to address them. Prevention programs must address these factors that lead to disengagement."

Researchers found that young people who had not been sexually harassed were more likely to name gay.

Although students said a high percentage of these incidents of sexual harassment occurred in places where teachers and staff could witness it, such as school hallways, classrooms, gym locker rooms or gymnasiums, researchers found that many teachers, school administrators, and staff lacked . to acknowledge that sexual harassment has taken place in their schools.

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Many of these adults were unaware that they were mandated by school district or federal policies to protect students from sexual harassment, Espelage said.

"These findings underscore the importance of prioritizing efforts to prevent sexual harassment in American school districts, and it requires the efforts of students, faculty and staff, school administrators, and professionals such as school psychologists. ", Espelage said. “Schools should have a consistent, enforceable policy that clearly defines sexual harassment and sets out rules prohibiting such behavior. School officials should provide guidance to faculty and staff on how to address these issues and respond appropriately to reports of sexual harassment by students."

Experiences of sexual harassment vary across socio-demographic groups, such as student age, race, and gender. For example, while women are more likely to be sexually harassed, researchers have found that African American girls and boys are more likely to be sexually harassed by dating partners.

Is Pantsing Someone Assault

Student counseling techniques, interventions and prevention programs must take these sociodemographic differences into account and address related factors that contribute to sexual harassment in multiracial schools, Espelage said.

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Further information: Dorothy L. Espelage et al., Understanding the Types, Places, and Perpetrators of Peer Sexual Harassment in American Colleges: An Examination of Gender, Race, and Class Differences, Children's Services and to youth (2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.childYouth.2016.11.010

Quote: Sexual Harassment Common Among Middle School Children, Study Finds (2016, December 9) Retrieved January 21, 2023, from https:///news/2016-12-sexual-sexual-common-middle-school-children.html

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